1 December، 2021

A Schoolteacher from Salahuddin Directorate of Education Supports the Central Library

As a contribution to reviving the University libraries, and with a follow-up from the General Secretariat of the University Libraries, the Central Library received two books titled (Hadiths Narrated By Imam Malek In His “Almowatta” And Did Not Follow) and (Narrators Approved By Ibn Aday In His Book “Alkamel”- Comparison Among The Speeches Of Imams Of Jarh And Tadeel) written and donated by Asst. Prof. Dr. Taher Yahya Muhammad Abd Aljuboori, schoolteacher, Shirqat, Salahuddin Governorate. The General Secretariat of the University Libraries appreciates his distinctive initiative to support science and culture in our dear country.

