11 January، 2023

Meeting with Sub-Librarians and Visiting Sub-Libraries

In an effort to embody the directives set by Rector Alahmady regarding developing the library skills of the University of Mosul library staff members, the Secretary General of the University of Mosul Libraries Mr. Sayf Al-Ashqar chaired a meeting with the sub-librarians and the officials of the Central Library divisions on Wednesday, January 11, 2023. The meeting discussed the ways of standardizing the technical procedures of library work, user services, and computerized systems in all University libraries, mentioning the past year achievements and the current year action plans and the approval of the unified electronic entry, calling for the necessity of continuing joint cooperation and coordination between the General Secretariat of the University Libraries and the branch librarians in order to ensure the advancement of the university libraries and their provision of the best services to the users. After the meeting, Mr. Sayf made an inspection tour in the University branch libraries, accompanied by the officials of the Central Library divisions and the University sub-librarians.
