21 May، 2020

The Library Shares the Celebration of the World Day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development

Following the approach of the University of Mosul, headed by Prof. Dr. Kossay Al-Ahmady, in the exploitation of global observances to communicate effectively with the international community, Mr. Sayf Al-Ashqar, Secretary-General of the University Libraries, and library staff members celebrate with the worldwide communities the World Day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development organized by the UNESCO on May 21, 2020, to confirm that cultural diversity, like biological diversity, is of great importance to humankind, since it is considered an effective factor for achieving positive change in the global community and a bridge for civilized communication. The creative cultural diversity based on constant mutual dialogue will have a positive future impact for all humanity, especially in the current stage where the world lives in a catastrophic health crisis, which requires concerted cultural and scientific efforts to minimize its negative impact on the health of the man

