23 February، 2024

Receiving Committee of Deans of Administration and Economics Colleges

In implementation of the directive of the President of the University of Mosul Prof. Dr. Kossay Alahmady regarding boosting collaboration with the colleges of the Iraqi universities, the Secretary General of the University Libraries Mr. Sayf Al-Ashqar received the Committee of the Deans of the Administration and Economics Colleges of the Iraqi universities, along with the Dean of the College of Administration and Economics at the University of Mosul and his two assistants, who paid a visit to the Central Library. After touring the Central Library accompanied by Mr. Sayf, who gave them a comprehensive overview of the achievements that took place there, the visitors got a wonderful impression of the extent of the interest that Rector Alahmady pays to the Central Library, along with all manner of assistance provided by the local and international supporters to expedite the rehabilitation of the Central Library, applauding the dedicated efforts made by its staff members to provide the best services to its users.
