4 March، 2024

Hosting a Workshop on the Use of Nextcloud Files

In line with the persistent endeavors of the Alahmady-presided University of Mosul to conduct courses and workshops that contribute to raising the scientific level of the University of Mosul members, and under the supervision and presence of the Secretary General of the University of Mosul Libraries Mr. Sayf Al-Ashqar, the Division of Continuing Education at the Central Library hosted a workshop conducted by the Computer Center on the theme “Nextcloud Files” delivered by Dr. Mohamed Hamed Abdurrahim and Lect. Fajr Fahr Fadhel on Monday, March 4, 2024. The workshop discussed the importance of using Nextcloud across the University of Mosul’s colleges and centers because it is the most popular open source content collaboration platform that optimizes the flow of collaboration and offers a self-hosted file storage and sync platform with powerful collaboration capabilities with desktop, mobile and web interfaces, with reduced risk, improved remote team communication and minimized operational expenses. Later on, the workshop participants have been rewarded certificates of attendance.
