17 December، 2019

Ibn Khaldun Library Hosts the Book Platform Team

Under the auspices of Prof. Dr. Kossay Al-Ahmady, President of the University of Mosul, and in the presence of Mr. Sayf Al-Ashqar, Secretary-General of the University Libraries, Ibn Khaldun Library of the Central Library, in the University second campus, hosted the Team of the Book Platform to talk about its diverse activity and cultural experience. The Team celebrated the winning of the Medal of Prince Mohammed Bin Fahd International Foundation for worldwide volunteer works. The team, represented by Prof. Dr. Ahmed Jarallah Yassin, Mr. Mohammed Kaddawi, Mr. Salah Al-Warraq and Mr. Alaa Ghanem, appreciated the Rector for shepherding all the University cultural and scientific activities and his constant call for the need to continue cooperation between the University and Mosul cultural community. They also appreciated the Secretary-General of the University Libraries and Ibn Khaldun Library’s staff for the generous invitation to the team and the hosting of this special cultural event and the continued support for all volunteer activities that aimed to serve the University and society alike. After that, the Team talked accurately and in details about the Book Platform since it was a concept to a developed and diverse reality culminated in winning the Medal of International Creativity. They also showed the objectives of its establishment and continuity and some obstacles accompanied its creative and challenging career. Some of the University professors, City’s intellectuals and the Team’s pioneers shared the discussions and interventions that followed the talk of the Team’s members. Finally, the Secretary General of the University Libraries appreciated the Team for responding to the General Secretariat’s invitation and for their distinguished donorship that indicates the creative and consistent presence of Mosul intellectuals in international forums reflecting the best image of the City of Mosul. Mr. Sayf explained to the Team and the attendees the Rector’s vision concerning the importance of joint cooperation between the University and society and his support for all cultural and voluntary activities in Mosul, and the role of University libraries as edifices of knowledge and forums for professors, researchers and intellectuals to serve the cognitive and cultural process in our dear country

