5 January، 2020

Central Library Link Member Participates in a Workshop on the Use of the G Suite Educational Software Package

Under the auspices of Prof. Dr. Kossay Al-Ahmady, President of the University of Mosul, and to implement His recommendations that it is essential to improve the electronic services, and with constant follow-up from Mr. Sayf Al-Ashqar, Secretary-General of the University Libraries, Ms. Heba Khairuddin, the Central Library’s link member, participated in the workshop held in the Computer Center located in the Student Center. The workshop was a preparation to launch the educational software package “G Suite” for the users of the new e-mail services. In the presence of Dr. Mohammed Abdul Ghani, Director of the Computer Center, and the University’s website link members of the colleges, research centers and directorates, Mr. Dr. Omar Al-Zaidi, head of the University’s Official Website Division, presented a detailed explanation about the use of the G Suite educational software package that offers Google Interface Email, Google Classroom, Smart Board service, Google Drive service with unlimited space dedicated to Cloud storage, task selection by creating interactive groups, Calendar, and many other services. The participants were also briefed of how to access and use e-mail, the authority granted and the most important applications available and how to use them

