
Receiving Two Books by Dr. Samim Aldabbagh, Dr. Esra Mubasher, Dr. Haitham Mohamed and Asst. Lect. Omar Kurjiya

The Central Library received two books coauthored and donated by Dr. Samim Aldabbagh, Dr. Esra Mubasher, Dr. Haitham Mohamed and Asst. Lect. Omar Kurjiya, College of Agriculture and Forestry, University of Mosul. The General Secretariat [Read More]


Receiving Postgraduates, Department of Quran Sciences and Islamic Education, College of Education for Humanities

As directed by the Alahmady-presided University of Mosul, and under supervision of the Secretary General of the University of Mosul Libraries Mr. Sayf Al-Ashqar, the Central Library received a number of postgraduate students and their [Read More]

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