
One of the University of Kirkuk’s Academics Provides the Central Library with Various Books

Within the framework of the University of Mosul's endeavor to maintain communication with Iraqi and international personalities and academic institutions for the benefit of library users, and with a follow-up from the General Secretariat of [Read More]


(181) Theses Sent to The Central Library by the College of Administration and Economics.

In line with the University Presidency's directives concerning cooperation in the University of Mosul, and with a follow-up from the Secretary-General of the University Libraries, the College of Administration and Economics sent the Central Library [Read More]



The General Secretariat of the University Libraries, represented by Mr. Sayf Al-Ashqar and the library staff members, deeply deplores the loss of life of innocent civilians as a result of the fire that recently broke [Read More]


Books and Periodicals of Diverse Fields Provided by the University’s Department of Media and Public Relations for the Central Library

To promote the University's approach of coordination and cooperation inside the University of Mosul for enhancing its reality, and with a follow-up from the General Secretariat of the University Libraries, the Central Library received (142) [Read More]

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