4 May، 2020

A Lecturer Participates in Three Online Workshops

Dr. “Amira Ismail Al-Obaidy”, a lecturer and researcher at the Department of Economic and Social Studies at Regional Studies Center – University of Mosul, has gained three appreciation certificates through her participation in electronic workshops that came as follows: The first one; a workshop entitled ” Web Security”, organized by the University of Nineveh on May 3, 2020. As for the second workshop, it was titled “Public Policies and Crisis Management: The Education Case “, which was held by the College of Political Science and Remote Sensing Center on Saturday, May 2, 2020. While the third workshop was called “Sports and Food to Increase Immune Activity to Confront Covid-19”, which was organized by the College of Physical Education and Sports Science at the University of AL-Qadisiyah on May 2, 2020.
