12 May، 2020

An Academic Participates in Several Cyber Activities

Assist. Prof. Dr. Nawfal Qasim Ali Al-Shahwan, Head of the Department of Economic and Social Studies at Regional Studies Center – University of Mosul, has been granted several certificates of appreciation through his participation in many online activities, including participation in the electronic scientific workshop titled: “Modern methods for selecting reliable journals for academic publishing”, which was organized by the Department of Computer Science at the College of Computer Science and Mathematics / Mosul University on Monday, May 11, 2020; the workshop dealt with modern methods for selecting reliable journals for academic publishing and debated how to choose scientific journals and then ensure that they are included in reliable global containers. The second participation was a cyber-lecture: “The role of the natural herbal product during the Coronavirus crisis” which was held by Tikrit University on May 7, 2020, that focused on the role of natural herbal products in strengthening immunity and preventing the risk of catching the Coronavirus pandemic. Finally, participation in the sustainable development conference within the activities of the sixth international scientific forum by (ARID Platform) for Arabic-speaking experts and researchers in Iraq, Malaysia and Algeria through electronic remote interaction due to the ban on global roaming because of the spread of the Coronavirus pandemic, with the participation of more than 900 researchers and academics from various Arab and international universities, in a new step to encourage Arab and Islamic academic institutions to pay attention to electronic remote communication and advance the scientific research forward. The conference events took place during 18-21 April 2020, and in light of his other participation in the activities of the scientific conference, “Al-Shahwan” was granted the (Entrepreneur Medal).
