30 December، 2021

Knowledge and its Role in Enhancing Security Awareness is the Subject of Regional Studies Center’s Seminar

Regional Studies Center held a seminar by Dr. “Fares Turkey Al-Jubouri” entitled “Knowledge and its role in enhancing security awareness”, in the presence of the Center’s researchers and employees, on December 29, 2021.Al-Jubouri said that the topic aims to clarify the role that sound education, mature culture, and real knowledge can play in upgrading societies and maintaining their security and stability.Al-Jubouri added that the axes of the seminar discussed the concept and types of knowledge, how to acquire it, and the role of the educational sector in consolidating it. The issue of security in all its forms, including societal security, was also addressed. which immunizes societies against extremist ideas and visions and its role in combating and eliminating them. The seminar then moved to tackle the idea of extremism, how it arises and the reasons behind it, what are the characteristics of the society producing it, and finally the structure of extremism and its nutrients were shed light on. Moreover, touched on the role of knowledge and education in dismantling this structure and drying up those nutrients, leading to the creation of a society that expels the ideas of extremism, hatred, racism, abolition, and entrenchment against the different other.
