15 June، 2022

Regional Studies Center Holds a Seminar on US Foreign Policy Toward Iran

Regional Studies Center set up a seminar by Dr. “Faris Turky Al-Jubouri” entitled “American foreign policy toward Iran 2009-2020”, in the presence of the Center’s researchers, on June 15, 2022.Al-Jubouri said that the research aims to study and analyze the US foreign policy towards Tehran during the administrations of both Presidents Barack Obama and Donald Trump, and try to diagnose and understand the major factors that contributed to formulating and directing that policy; The most important pillars on which it relied. The research also seeks to shed light on the principles of Obama and Trump and how the pillars of these two principles influenced the creation of a relationship that ranged between conflict and detente.The researcher added that his research included three topics; The first topic involved the specifics and the intellectual framework governing the relationship between the two sides. The second topic focused on studying and analyzing (the Obama principle) and its impact on drawing and steering Washington’s policy towards Tehran, which led to the 2015 nuclear agreement. The last topic included the policy followed by the Trump administration in dealing with the Iranian file by activating the principles and foundations of the Trump principle; how this led to an increase in tension between the two sides and then the withdrawal from the nuclear agreement, and Washington’s imposition of unprecedented sanctions on Tehran.
