19 November، 2023

Regional Studies Center Holds a Seminar on Babylonia During Middle Assyrian Era

Regional Studies Center held a seminar presented by the assistant lecturer, “Hamoud Muhammad Thanoun,” for his research titled “Babylonia during the Middle Assyrian Era through Historical Sources (1500 – 911 BC), on November 19, 2023.

The seminar aimed to shed light on Babylonia, which was considered the region of the emergence of ancient civilizations that whoever imposed control over it would have controlled the ancient East, and that the geographical meaning of the term Babylonia means the southern part of Mesopotamia, which includes the lands from northern Baghdad to the head of the Arabian Gulf.

The seminar included two topics; the first topic involved the geographical location of the city of Babylon, which allowed it to monitor the trade routes leading to Anatolia and Elam. The location of Babylon also contributed to controlling the main and important roads in ancient Iraq, which brought attention to it and made it vulnerable to challenges; while the second section touched on the political concepts that worked to unify Mesopotamia (Babylonia and Assyria), which is one of the most important matters that the kings of Mesopotamia took care of and was a strong foundation that led to social and economic cohesion between the various cities and provinces.
