17 July، 2020

An Academic Publishes a Book in Jordan

Dr. “Amira Ismail Mohammad Al-Ubaidi”, a researcher and lecturer at the Department of Economic and Social Studies at Regional Studies Center – Mosul University, in (July 2020), has issued a book entitled “Turkish-Israeli Relations 1980-2010″; the book is of medium size and includes (238) pages, and was released by Ghaida House for Publishing and Distribution Amman / Jordan.”Al-Obaidi” indicated that the book aims to study and discuss Turkish-Israeli relations by taking a look at the evolution of relations between the two parties, as Turkish foreign policy towards “Israel” witnessed a clear fluctuation since Turkey recognized it in 1949. These relations were strong in their early stages, but they passed by, from time to time, a change in Turkey’s attitude towards “Israel” in favor of the Arabs as required by its interests, especially economic ones, and related to (Arab oil) as is the case in 1973. These relations culminated in the military agreement that occurred on February 23, 1996, which was followed by a group of agreements on the economic, commercial and political levels, as there were many internal and external motives and changes that pushed them to be closer to each other, where the common interests that have long been brought Turkey and “Israel” together, especially in the military and security fields, which made the dissolution of their alliance very difficult until Turkey finds the alternative to “Israel” to achieve its interests in all its political, economic and commercial forms.
