11 October، 2020

A New Issue of Regional Studies Journal

Regional Studies Center at the University of Mosul released the issue No. (46) of ” Regional Studies Journal “, which included eight important papers on contemporary history, law, political science, and regional-international relations, as follows:
-Turkey’s partnership with the Kurdistan region of Iraq in the energy field after 2011: Dr. Luqman O. Mahmood Alnuaimy.
– The role of the United Nations in combating human trafficking: Dr. Raqeb M. Jassim and Abdul Rahman Sh. Abdul Rahman.
– Turkey’s policy towards the Balkan countries under the AKP;2003-2019: Dr. Afrah . N. Jassim.
– Criminalizing job corruption In Iraqi and comparative law: Dr. Oday S. Haleem Alhassany.
– Human security under the repercussions of war on terror: Iraq as a case study since 2003: Dr. Mustafa I. Salman Al-shammary.
– The evolution of the right to a clean environment idea in Iraqi political thought after 2014: Saja Fattah Zaidan.
– The effect of Kurdish variable on Turkish foreign policy toward Syria after 2011: Mohammad Z. Abdulkarim.The full issue research can be found on the official website of the journal:https://regs.mosuljournals.comOr on the website of academic scientific journals of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research:https://www.iasj.net/iasj/issue/11538