23 June، 2021

Regional Studies Center Holds a Symposium on Asylum and Protection of Human Rights

Under the patronage of the President of the University of Mosul, Prof. Dr. Qusay Kamal Al-Din Al-Ahmadi, and on the occasion of the International Day of Asylum, the Public Policies Department at Regional Studies Center, in cooperation with the Human Rights Branch at the College of Law at the University of Mosul, held the 12th International Electronic Scientific Symposium entitled (Asylum and Human Rights Protection: A Study in international legislation) with the participation of professors and researchers from inside and outside Iraq on Tuesday, June 22, 2021.The symposium aimed to discuss the topic of “the right to asylum”, which is refugees stipulated in many international and regional conventions for the protection of human rights. It is a means of protection provided by the state in the face of the reluctance of other states for people who were forced to leave their countries for reasons related to human rights violations, such as torture, persecution, armed conflict, crisis, and violence; perhaps targeted because of what they do or believe in such as ethnicity, religion or political opinions in search of a better and safer life to rebuild their lives in a different country. Emphasizing that the means of protection should be reviewed in cooperation between all countries and that the refugee problem should be dealt with as a humanitarian issue in the first place, away from any other considerations.The symposium began with a speech by the Dean of the Faculty of Law, followed by a speech by the Director of Regional Studies Center, and then a speech by the Head of the Human Rights Branch. Then the participating researchers presented their research papers that covered the topics of the symposium, the most important of which are: the national policy for the protection of and asylum seekers; Protection of the right of humanitarian asylum, and the imperative of combating illegal immigration; UNHCR as a mechanism for their protection; Grounds for asylum within the scope of the 1951 Convention; National protection of refugee women from immoral exploitation; The environmental refugee from the perspective of international humanitarian law; international legal regulation of refugee rights in international armed conflicts; finally there were discussions and comments by the participants.
