
1-A seminar entitled (Iranian Foreign Policy Orientations Towards the Arab Region in the African Continent) by Dr. Mohammad Abdul-Rahman Al-Obaidy, on Wednesday, 18 September 2019.

2-A seminar titled (Protecting Women’s Rights from Abuses within the Scope of the Convention Rules of International Humanitarian Law) by Dr. Ziyad Abdul-Wahab Al-Nuaimy, on Wednesday, 25 September 2019.

3-A seminar termed (Turks and European Modernity: A Historical Study of the Intellectual Attitudes of Turks to Europe) by Dr. Hamid Mohammad Taha Al-Suwaidany, on Wednesday, October 2, 2019.

4-A seminar named (Iraqi Foreign Policy Towards Saudi Arabia 2015-2019) by Dr. Mithaq Khairallah Jallud, on Wednesday, October 9, 2019.

5-A seminar styled (The Attitude of the United Arab Emirates on the Turkish Peace Pipeline Project) by Dr. Rayyan Thannoon AL-Abbasy, on Wednesday, October 16, 2019.

6-A seminar called (The Secret Societies and Their Role in the Great Iraqi Revolution: The Covenant and Independence Societies as a Case Study) by Dr. Bashar Fathy Jasim AL-Egeidy, on Wednesday, October 23, 2019.

7-A seminar titled (Iraq’s Foreign Policy towards the Maghreb Countries after 2011) by Dr. Kifah Abbas Ramadan, on Wednesday, October 30, 2019.

8-A seminar called (The Disintegration of Plurinational States in Eastern Europe: Yugoslavia as a Case Study) by Mr. Waleed Mahmood Ahmad on Wednesday, 6 November 2019.

9-A seminar entitled (The Philosophy of Exceptionalism and its Impact on American Foreign Policy) by Dr. Faris Turky Mahmood on Wednesday, 13 November 2019.

10-A seminar named (Arab research centers between the problem of funding and academic work) by Dr. Hashim Hasan Hussein, on Wednesday, November 20, 2019.

11-A seminar under the title (Iraqi Women’s role in the concept of political life) by Dr. Ameera Ismail AL-Obeidy, on Wednesday, November 27, 2019.

12-A seminar titled (The reality and the future of civil society in Iraq between the available freedoms and the restrictions imposed) by Dr. Abdul-Razzaq Khalaf Mohammad Al-Taie, on Wednesday, December 4, 2019.

13-A seminar described as (Public and Private Investment and Economic Growth in Iraq and Development Options) by Dr. Nawfal Qasim Ali Al-Shahwan, on Wednesday, December 11, 2019.

14-A seminar called (Corruption and the Shadow Economy in Iraq: An Investigatory Approach) by Dr. Abdullah Fadhil AL-Haiali, on Wednesday, December 18, 2019.

15- A seminar titled (the Emirate attitude on the proposed Turkish Peace Water Pipeline Project) by Dr. Rayyan Thanoon Al-Abbasi, on Wednesday, January 8, 2020.

16- A seminar entitled (Iraq’s Foreign Policy Towards the Arab Maghrib Countries after 2003) by Dr. Kifah Abbas Ramadan Al-Hamdani, on Wednesday, January 15, 2019.

17- A seminar titled (The Historical Academic View Towards Issues of the Iraqi-Turkish Dispute – Prof. Dr. Ibrahim Khalil Al-Allaf – as a case study), by Dr. Saad Abdulaziz Al-Musliton January 21, 2020.

18- A seminar named (US Policy in Syria under Trump) by Dr. Suhaib Hazim Al-Ghadhanfary, in the presence of the Center’s researchers on Wednesday, January 22, 2020.

19- An electronic seminar, which is the first, titled (Turkish-Azerbaijani Relations: 2002-2018) by Dr. Afrah Nathir Jasim Al-Azzawy, on Wednesday, April 22, 2020.

20- A seminar titled “Internal political developments in Sudan in 2019: a study in regional and international attitudes” by Dr. (Khalida Ibrahim Khalil Al Habeity) on April 29, 2020.

21- A seminar titled “Iran and Sudan: a study in the political and economic relations of the two countries (1989-2005)” by Dr. “Mohammad Abdul-Rahman Al-Obeidi,” on 6 May 2020.

22- A seminar titled (the emergence of European right-wing parties after World War II) by Mr. “Waleed Mahmood Ahmad” on May 13, 2020.

23- A seminar titled (Turkish-Algerian Relations during the Justice and Development Party: 2002-2018) by Dr. Hamid Mohammad Taha Al-Suwaidani, on May 20, 2020.

24- A seminar titled (Saudi Foreign Policy towards Iraq 2015-2019) by Dr. Mithaq Khairallah Jalud Al-Qaraghuli, on June 3, 2020.

25- A seminar titled (American-Chinese Competition over the Arab Maghreb Region) by Dr. “Kifah Abbas Ramadan Al-Hamdani,” on June 10, 2020.

26- A seminar titled “American Policy towards Egypt 2008-2018” by Dr. “Faris Turky Mahmood Al-Jubouri”, on June 24, 2020.

27- A virtual seminar entitled (Political authority in the Arab world and the independence of the research centers) by Dr. “Hashem Hassan Hussein Al-Shahwani” on July 1, 2020.

28- A seminar titled (Contemporary Developments of Iran-Russia Relations) by Dr. Abdul-Razzaq Khalaf Mohammad Al-Taie, on July 8, 2020.

29- A seminar titled (The project of Bringing Ice Mountains to the United Arab Emirates), by Dr. Rayan Thanoon Al-Abbasi, on 15 July 2020.

30- A seminar titled (Turkey’s policy towards the Balkan countries during the era of the Justice and Development Party) by Dr. Afrah Nathir Jasim Al-Azzawi, on 22 July 2020.

31- A seminar titled (Contemporary Developments in the Society of the UAE: A Historical Study) by Dr. Mithaq Khairallah Jallud Al-Qarah Ghuli, on 7 October 2020.

32- A seminar titled (Iranian-Sudanese relations 2005-2016) by Dr. Mohammad Abdul-Rahman Al-Obaidi, on 14 October 2020.

33- A seminar titled (Iraqi-Saudi relations in the field of water 1921-1957) BY Dr. Rayyan Thannoon Al-Abbasi, on October 21, 2020.

34- A seminar titled “Reforming the Algerian Scientific Research System under the President Abdelaziz Bouteflika” (1999-2019) by Dr. Kifah Abbas Ramadan Al-Hamdani, on October 28, 2020.

35- A seminar titled (The Problem of Determining Territorial Waters between Turkey and Greece in the Aegean Sea) by Mr. Waleed Mahmood Ahmad, on November 4, 2020.

36- A seminar titled “The American Policy towards Saudi Arabia 2008-2020,” by Dr. Faris Turky Mahmood Al-Juboori, on November 11, 2020.

37- A seminar titled (The participation of Arab women in political life: Egyptian women as a case study) by Dr. Amira Ismail Mohammad Al-Obaidi, on November 18, 2020.

38- A seminar titled “Iran in the Concluding Statements of the Cooperation Council for the Arab States Summits: 1981-2018 an Analytical Study”, by Dr. “Abdul-Razzaq Khalaf Al-Taie”, on November 25, 2020.

39- A seminar titled (Issues Affecting the Gulf-Turkish Relations 2011-2020) by Dr. Afrah Nather Jasim Al-Azzawi, on Wednesday, December 2, 2020.

40- A seminar titled (Turkish-Tunisian relations in the era of AL-Habib Bourguiba 1957-1987) by Dr. Hamid Mohammad Taha al-Suwaidani, on 20 January 2020.

41- A seminar titled (Saudi Arabia’s oil policy and the United States’ Attitude to it 1980-2020) ” by Dr. Mithaq Khairallah Jalud al-Qarah Ghuli, on February 3, 2021.

42- A seminar titled (Iran and the Western Sahara issue) by Dr. Muhammad Abdul-Rahman Al-Obaidi, on February 17, 2021.

43- A seminar titled (The Iraqi-Iranian dispute over Shatt al-Arab waters and the Jordanian mediation in 1969) by Dr. Rayan Thanoun Al-Abbasi, on March 31, 2021.

44- A seminar titled (Iraqi-Gulf relations after 2003) by Dr. Abdul-Razzaq Khalaf Mohammad Al-Taie, on April 28, 2021.

45- A seminar entitled (Iranian foreign policy towards Syria after 2011) by Dr. “Abdul Razzaq Khalaf Muhammad Al-Taie”, on June 23, 2021.

46- A seminar titled “Contemporary developments in Iranian society: a historical study” by Dr. “Mohammad Abdul-Rahman Al-Obaidi” on July 7, 2021.

47- A seminar entitled “The Development of Women’s Conditions in Iran 1925-1979” by Dr. “Mohammad Abdul-Rahman Al-Obaidi” on Wednesday 17 November 2021.

48- A seminar titled “The US Central Command in the Arab Gulf States” by Dr. Mithaq Khairallah Jalud, on Wednesday, December 1, 2021.

49- A seminar titled “Reconstruction of Mosul International Airport: Obstacles and Opportunities for Economic Development” by Dr. Nawfal Qassim Al-Shahwan”, on December 15, 2021.

50- A seminar entitled “The Political and Economic Weight of Iraq’s Oil and its Future” by Dr. “Abdul-Razzaq Khalaf Al-Taie”, on December 22, 2021.

51- A seminar entitled”Knowledge and its role in enhancing security awareness” by Dr. “Fares Turkey Al-Jubouri”, on December 29, 2021.

52- A seminar entitled “National Integrity and Anti-Corruption Strategy 2022-2024”, on January 10, 2022.

53- A seminar entitled “Libya and Contemporary Water Issues: The Euphrates River as a Case Study” by Dr. Rayan Thanoun Al-Abbasi, on January 12, 2022.

54- A seminar entitled “Research Centers in Algeria (1999-2019)”, by Dr. “Kifah Abbas Al-Hamdani” on January 26, 2022.

55- A seminar entitled “Extremist parties and movements in the United States of America; the American Nazi Party as a case study”, by Dr. “Fares Turki Al-Jubouri” on February 9, 2022.

56- A seminar entitled “Turkey’s policy towards the Libyan crisis 2011-2021”, by Dr. “Afrah Nather Jassem Al-Azzawi” on March 2, 2022.

57- A seminar entitled “Egyptian-Turkish Relations (2002-2013): A Study of the Political Field”, by Dr. “Amira Ismail Al-Obaidi” on March 16, 2022.

58- A seminar entitled “The American-Russian Competition in the Eastern Mediterranean and its Repercussions on Arab National Security” by Mr. “Walid Ahmad Mahmood”, on March 30, 2022.

59- A seminar entitled “The Development of Women’s Conditions in Iran 1979-2021” by Dr. “Mohammad Abdul Rahman Al-Obaidi” on April 20, 2022.

60- A seminar entitled “The 2017 Gulf Crisis: Causes, Repercussions, and turn out,” by Dr. Mithaq Khairallah Jalloud on May 11, 2022.

61- A seminar entitled “Construction of Al-Sahhaji International Airport in Nineveh Governorate: a Study in Economic Feasibility” by Dr. Nawfal Qassim Al-Shahwan on May 18, 2022.

62- A seminar entitled (Media and Community Security: Role and Impact) by Dr. “Abdul -Razzaq Khalaf Al-Taie” and Miss. “Zainab Abdel-Ilah Abdul-Karim” on May 22, 2022.

63- A seminar entitled (rebuilding the state after the war, a study of the Iranian experience (1989-1997)) by Dr. “Abdul-Razzaq Khalaf Al-Taie” on May 25, 2022.

64- A seminar entitled (the right to litigation between the civil system and criminal system), by assist. lecturer “Zainab Abdul-Ilah Abdul-Karim” on June 1, 2022.

65- A seminar entitled “Research centers in the Kingdom of Morocco (1999-2019)”, by Dr. “Kifah Abbas Al-Hamdani on June 8, 2022.

66- A seminar entitled (The One-Person Company: A Comparative Study), by assist. lecturer “Zainab Abdul-Ilah Abdul-Karim” on June 8, 2022.

67- A seminar entitled “American foreign policy toward Iran 2009-2020”, by Dr. “Faris Turky Al-Jubouri” on June 15, 2022.

68- A seminar entitled “The Turkish military bases in the Middle East” by Dr. “Afrah Nather Jassem Al-Azzawi”, on June 19, 2022.

69- A seminar entitled “Research centers in Tunisia (1987-2011)”, by Dr. “Kifah Abbas Al-Hamdani”, on June 29, 2022.

70- A seminar entitled “Problems of Immigrant Integration in Europe – Selected Models” by Dr. Amira Ismail Al-Obaidi on September 19, 2022.

71- A seminar entitled “The United States of America and the Security of the Arab Gulf (2009-2020)” by Dr. Abdul Razzaq Khalaf Al-Taie on September 25, 2022.

72- A seminar entitled “The Influence of the Christian Right on the American Presidential Elections (1980-2016)” by Dr. Fares Turki Al-Jubouri on October 2, 2022.

73- A panel discussion entitled “Turkey and Competition in the Horn of Africa” by Dr. Afrah Nather Al-Azzawi on October 9, 2022.

74- A seminar entitled “Economic and Social Reforms in Algeria (1999-2019)” by Dr. Kifah Abbas Al-Hamdani on October 23, 2022.

75- A seminar entitled “The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the Iranian Nuclear Program 2002-2022” by Dr. Mithaq Khairallah Jalloud on October 30, 2022.

76- A seminar entitled “Developments in the Iranian nuclear program crisis and its impact on Iraq” by Dr. Batoul Al-Moussawi on November 13, 2022.

77- A seminar entitled “War and the Political-Ideological Formation of Europe” by Assist. Prof. Walid Mahmoud Ahmed” on November 27, 2022.

78- A seminar entitled “Constructing the Grand Al-Faw Port and the Dry Canal” on December 11, 2022.

79- A seminar entitled “Reforming higher education in Iraq in light of global transformations” by Dr. Nawfal Qasim Ali on December 18, 2022.

80- A seminar entitled “Iraq in the Products of Iranian Research Centers / A Study in Light of Persian Sources” by Dr. Abdul Razzaq Khalaf Muhammad on January 8, 2023.

81- A seminar entitled “The American Nation of Islam Movement – Origins and Development” by Dr. Fares Turki Mahmoud Al-Jubouri, on January 22, 2023.

82- A seminar entitled “Contemporary Developments in Bahraini Society” by Dr. Mithaq Khairallah Jaloud, on January 26, 2023.

83- A seminar entitled “Tunisian Women’s Participation in Political Action 1987-2011” by Dr. Kifah Abbas Ramadan, on March 1, 2023.

84- A seminar entitled “Turkey and the Azerbaijani-Armenian conflict over the Nakorno-Karabakh region” by Dr. Afrah Nather Jassem Al-Azzawi on March 12, 2022.

85- A seminar entitled “The Development of Turkish Women’s Conditions 1923-1980,” by Dr. Amira Ismail Al-Obaidi, on March 19, 2023.

86- A seminar entitled “Education, Technical Change, and Economic Growth” by Dr. Nawfal Qasim Ali on March 26, 2023.

87- A seminar entitled “Turkey between Westernization ambitions and orientation towards the East” by Dr. Batoul Halil Al-Moussawi, on April 9, 2023.

88- A seminar entitled “Moroccan Women’s Participation in Political Action 1999-2019” by Dr. Kifah Abbas Al-Hamdani, on May 7, 2023.

89- A seminar entitled “The Development of Turkish Women’s Conditions 2002-2022”, by Dr. Amira Ismail Al-Obaidi, on May 21, 2023.

90- A seminar entitled “Arab-Israeli normalization and its impact on the Arab region” by Dr. Batoul Halil Al-Moussawi, on May 28, 2023.

91- A seminar entitled “Britain and the Problem of the European System” by Assist. Prof. Walid Mahmoud Ahmad, on June 4, 2023.

92- A seminar entitled “Egyptian Policy Towards Iraq in the First Republican Era (1958-1963),” by assist. Lecturer “Munjid Muhammad Fawzi” on June 25, 2023.

93- A seminar entitled “Ahmad Davutoğlu and his role in Turkish political life,” by assist. lecturer “Fawzi Muhammad al-Abadi,” on September 17, 2023.

94- A seminar entitled “Syrian-Lebanese Political Relations (2004-2005)”, by assist. lecturer “Ola Mumtaz Ismail” on September 24, 2023.

95- A seminar entitled “The impact of the geographical factor on the emergence and development of the city of Eski Mosul”, by the assist. lecturer, “Hamoud Muhammad Thanoun Al-Luwaizi”, on October 1, 2023.

96- A seminar entitled “The Effects of Wars on the Reality of Women” by Dr. Amira Ismail Al-Obaidi, on October 8, 2023.

97- A seminar entitled “Illiteracy in Tunisia after 2011: Causes and Consequences” by Dr. Kifah Abbas Al-Hamdani, on October 15, 2023.

98- A seminar titled “Egyptian Foreign Policy towards the Syrian Crisis 2011-2023,” by assist. Lecturer Munjid Muhammad Fawzi, on October 22, 2023.

99- A seminar entitled “The Politics of International Axes and its Impact on Iraq,” by Dr. Batoul Halil Al-Moussawi, on November 5, 2023.

100- A seminar entitled “Sustainable Urban Transport System between Theory and Practice: Mosul City as a Case Study” delivered by Assist. Prof. (Ubai Muhammad Al-Wattar) and (Assist. Lect. Muhammad Jamal Hamdoun) – College of Administration and Economics, University of Mosul, on, November 12, 2023.

101- A seminar presented by the assistant lecturer, “Hamoud Muhammad Thanoun,” for his research titled “Babylonia during the Middle Assyrian Era through Historical Sources (1500 – 911 BC), on November 19, 2023.

102- A seminar for the research entitled “The Turkish Elections of 2023 and their Repercussions on the Justice and Development Party,” presented by the assistant lecturer, “Fawzi Muhammad Al-Abadi,” on November 26, 2023.

103- A seminar “for the research titled “The Soft Power in Iranian Foreign Policy toward Iraq after 2003,” presented by Assist. Prof. Dr. Abdul Razzaq Khalaf Muhammad” on December 3, 2023.

104- A seminar for “the research titled “American Foreign Policy towards Tunisia (2011-2020),” presented by Assist. Prof. Dr. Faris Turki Mahmood, on December 17, 2023.

105- A seminar for the research entitled “Iraqi-Egyptian Relations (2003-2023), a study in the political field,” presented by assist. lecturer, “Munjid Muhammad Fawzi, on December 31, 2023”.

106- A seminar for the research entitled (Moroccan-French relations in the political field 1999-2023), presented by Assist. Prof. Dr. Kifah Abbas Ramadan Al-Hamdani, on January 7, 2023.

107- A seminar for “the research titled “The Future of Iraqi-Turkish Relations, Opportunities, and Obstacles,” presented by Assist. Prof. Dr. Batoul Halayil Al-Moussawi” on January 28, 2024.

108- A seminar for the research entitled “The Political and Cultural Role of Turkish Women (2002-2023)”, presented by “Amira Ismail Al-Obaidi”, on February 4, 2024.

109- A seminar for the research entitled “NATO’s Expansion in Eastern Europe…Security Implications and Stability”, presented by “Assist. Prof. Dr. Walid Mahmood Ahmad Al-Najjo” on February 11, 2024.

110- A seminar for the research entitled “Green Education…One of the Sustainable Development Goals” on February 25, 2024.

111- A seminar for the research entitled “The Positive Stability Links of Arab Countries: An Inductive Study,” presented by Prof. Dr. Mithaq Khairallah Jalloud, on March 3, 2024.

112- A seminar for the research entitled “The Russian Role in the Syrian Crisis… Objectives and Motives,” presented by Assist. Prof. Dr. Batoul Halayil Al-Moussawi on March 31, 2024.

113- A seminar for the research entitled “Iranian-Russian relations in the military field 2011-2023,” presented by Assist. Prof. Dr. Abdul Razzaq Khalaf Muhammad, on April 7, 2024.

114- A seminar for the research entitled “Donald Trump and the Rise of the American Extreme Right,” presented by Assist. Prof. Dr. Fares Turki Mahmood, on April 14, 2024.

115- A seminar for the research entitled “Contemporary Developments in the Society of the State of Qatar: A Historical Study,” presented by Prof. Dr. Mithaq Khairallah Jalloud, on April 21, 2024.

116- A seminar for the research entitled “Egyptian-Turkish Relations 2011-2023 in the Political Field,” presented by Assistant Lecturer Munjid Mohammad Fawzi on April 28, 2024.

117- A seminar for the research entitled “Hakan Fidan and his role in Turkish political life 2003 – 2023”, presented by assistant lecturer “Fawzi Muhammad Al-Abadi” on May 5, 2024.

118- A seminar for the research entitled “The Role of Digital Leadership in Achieving Organizational Excellence: A Survey Study at the University of Mosul”, presented by lecturer “Abdul-Ghafour Wadallah Al-Shamaah” on May 12, 2024.

119- A seminar for the research entitled “Developments of the Water Problem between Iraq and Turkey 2002 – 2023”, presented by Assistant Lecturer Fawzi Mohammad Al-Abadi on 2 June 2024.

120- A seminar for the research entitled “Problems Affecting the European Security System” presented by Assist. Prof. Walid Mahmoud Ahmad on 3 June 2024.

121-  A seminar for the research entitled “The Imperial State and the National Nation” presented by Assist. Prof. Dr. Waleed Mahmood Ahmad on 30 June 2024.

122- A seminar for the research entitled “Artificial Intelligence and its Impact on Auditing: An Exploratory Study on a Sample of Auditors at the University of Mosul,” presented by Assist. Lecturer Ahmad Ghazi Taher on July 8, 2024.

123- Regional Studies Center held a seminar on September 29, 2024, on the dimensions of the recent repercussions in Lebanon.

124- A seminar for the research entitled “The Azerbaijan-Armenian War 2020 and the Turkish position on it”, presented by Assistant Lecturer “Fawzi Muhammad Al-Abadi” on October 6, 2024.

125- A seminar for the research entitled “The issue of the Renaissance Dam and its impact on Egyptian-Ethiopian relations”, by Assistant Lecturer Manjid Mohammad Fawzi on October 13, 2024.

126- A seminar for the research entitled “Iran’s Construction Cadre Party: A Study in Political and Economic Orientations”,  by Assist. Prof. Dr. Abdul Razzaq Khalaf Mohammad, on October 20, 2024.

127- A seminar for the research entitled “The Domestic Security Policy of the George W. Bush Administration”,  by Assist. Prof. Dr. Faris Turki Mahmood, on October 27, 2024.

128- A seminar on the research entitled “The Political Performance of the European Left during the Cold War Years” by Assist. Prof. Walid Mahmood Ahmad on November 10, 2024.

129- A seminar on the research entitled “Secularism in Arab Thought: A Comparative Study between Shibli Shumayyil and Farah Antun,” by Assistant Lecturer Ula Mumtaz Ismail on November 24, 2024.

130- A seminar entitled “The Social Stigmatization of Drug Addicts and Ways to Confront it Socially” on November 27, 2024.

131- A seminar entitled “Recent events in Syria and their regional and international repercussions” on December 4, 2024.

132- A seminar for the research entitled “Turkey’s Role in the International Development Road” by Assistant Lecturer Fawzi Mohammad Saleh on December 8, 2024.

133- A seminar on the research entitled “Egypt’s Foreign Policy towards Libya 2011-2023” by Assistant Lecturer “Munjid Mohammad Fawzi” on December 15, 2024.

134- A seminar entitled “Iranian Foreign Policy towards Egypt 2011-2021″ by Assist. Prof. Dr. Abdul Razzaq Khalaf Mohammad , on Sunday, December 22, 2024.

135- A seminar titled “The Power Trap and US Foreign Policy: Afghanistan and Iraq as a Case Study” by Assist. Prof. Dr. Faris Turki Mahmood on December 29, 2024.

136- A seminar entitled “Euro-Atlantic Defense Capabilities in the Face of Russian Armament Policy”, by Assist. Prof. Waleed Mahmood Ahmad on January 26, 2025.

137- A seminar titled “Women’s material possibilities and labor market fields” by Assist. Lecturer Ola Mumtaz Ismail  on February 5, 2025.

138- A seminar titled “The Economic Dimension in Turkish-Iranian Relations 2013-2023” by Assist. Lecturer Fawzi Mohammad Saleh, on Sunday, February 9, 2025.

139- A seminar titled “The economic reality in Egypt after the 2011 revolution”, by Assist. Lecturer Munjid Mohammad Fawzy, on February 16, 2025.