13 October، 2020

The Council of the College of Tourism Sciences holds its first session for the academic year 2020-2021

On The Blessing of God, the Council of the Faculty of Tourism Sciences held the first session of the academic year 2020-2021, headed by Mr. Dean Of the Faculty, Asst.Prof. Dr. Bashar Hassan Yusuf Akela and the presence of the members of the Council on Sunday, 11/10/2020. The Dean welcomed the members and circulating the directives of The President of the University Prof. Dr. Qusay Kamal al-Din Al-Ahmadi , including the commitment to the official working hours , as approved by the esteemed crisis cell at 50%, while taking the necessary preventive health precautions, and the completion of all requirements for receiving students in the new academic year in accordance with the integrated education system. And interest in curricula, encouraging research projects in Scopus.

The Council then moved on to discuss the paragraphs on its agenda, including:

1.Determining the councils of scientific departments.

2.Forming permanent committees in the college.

3.Certification of the examination results for the second round.

4.Presenting the records of the scientific departments to the council and taking appropriate decisions regarding the paragraphs of the session .

5.Distributing educational topics to the teaching staff.

In conclusion, we wish success to our esteemed college and university to serve our dear students and our dear city.

