2 September، 2024

Participation of the Associate Dean for Scientific Affairs in a Master’s Thesis Defence

Associate Dean for Scientific Affairs at the College of Tourism Sciences, Assistant Professor Dr. Manal Raafat Khalid, took part in the master’s thesis defence of student “Mohammed Ibrahim Awad” from the University of Kirkuk, College of Education for Humanities for his thesis titled *”Spatial Changes in Agricultural Land Use in the Daquq District.”*

The defence occurred on Sunday, September 2, 2024, in the College of Education for Humanities’ hall. The defense committee was composed of the following esteemed members:

– Prof. Dr. Zain Al-Abidin Ali Safar, University of Kirkuk / College of Arts, as Chair.
– Assistant Prof. Dr. Manal Raafat Khalid, University of Mosul / College of Tourism Sciences, as Member.
– Assistant Prof. Dr. Toufan Satam Hassan, University of Kirkuk / College of Education for Humanities, as Member.
– Prof. Dr. Murad Ismail Ahmed, University of Kirkuk / College of Education for Humanities, as Member and Supervisor.

Congratulations to the student, the supervisor, and the distinguished defence committee members.



