1 September، 2022

Congratulations of the Dean of Tourism Sciences College on the new academic year

Members of the Tourism SciencesCollege, dear teachers, and distinguished employees …
As we embark on a new academic year, I am pleased to congratulate and extend our blessings to all of you. We hope that this year will bring success and preeminence in all fields and be a year full of scientific, and educational achievements. We call on our prominent teaching colleagues to continue as we have known you to overcome all the challenges facing the educational process. You proved to shoulder the responsibility and have taken upon yourself the future of your students and managed to overcome all difficulties in the previous year. Here we are today all hope and trust in you to accomplish another achievement, God willing.
I thank the dear employees who do their best to serve the college and thank your dedication to the profession, and this is what we entrusted to our affiliates.
May God bless your efforts in all that serves our beloved university.

