Discuss the graduation projects for a group of students of the College of Veterinary Medicine for the academic year 2020/2021


At the end of the academic year 2020-2021, The College of Veterinary Medicine has started to discuss graduation projects for the students in the fifth year, which is a part of the requirements for obtaining a bachelor’s degree.The research seminars were presented by students who completed their project and divided into many seminars by using Google Hangouts Meet.Following the seminars, the students were examined by: -Assist. Professor Dr.Nadia Sultan Al-Hayalias achairman.Assist. Professor Dr. OsamaHazimIsmahil as a member.Assist. ProfessorAdnan Ali Hasso Alkarwat as a member.Assist. Professor Dr. Muna HazimIbrahim as a member.Assist. Professor Dr. Omer KhazaalSallouAlhankawe as a member.The Dean of the [Read More]