About our center

The Dams and Water Resources Research Center was established in 1986 under the name of the Mosul Dam Research Center, after the University of Mosul adopted the tasks of establishing it as a contribution to enriching the scientific movement in Iraq, as well as the geographical location close to the dam. The primary purpose of establishing the center was to research and study the various aspects that have emerged and may emerge as a result of the construction of the dam. These studies are concerned with various fields of knowledge such as hydrological, geological, environmental, biological, agricultural, social changes, electrical energy, and everything related to dams and water resources. The center also aims to present priority problems to researchers, and the researcher has the freedom to present formulas and ideas about these problems and submit proposals to address them.
The center performs its role in coordinating the work among researchers, facilitating their tasks, and contacting the relevant authorities so that they can conduct research and then preserve their rights in terms of publication and support. At the beginning of its establishment, the Center aspired to undertake all matters related to dams and water resources in Iraq, and this was achieved in 1991, when the name of the Center was changed and its tasks expanded and included all dams implemented and under implementation in Iraq, in addition to knowledge of all aspects related to water resources, and the name of the Center became:
(Dams and Water Resources Research Center).
The center is subject to Law No. 1 of 1995 issued by the Council of Ministers pursuant to the session held on 3/9/1995 (the system of scientific research centers in the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research). The Center is managed by a Board of Directors headed by the Center Director and the membership of the heads of the Center’s scientific departments, directors of departments related to the Center’s specialization, and two specialized teaching staff from the university.