Professor Dr. Kotayba T. Al-Youzbakey Participates in Master’s Thesis Defense at the College of Education for Humanities


On Wednesday, September 4, 2024, Professor Dr. Qutaiba Tawfiq Al-Youzbeki participated in the master’s thesis defense of student Kamal Ibrahim Safar in the Department of Geography at the College of Education for Humanities. The thesis, titled “Modeling Groundwater Quality Indicators (WQI) in the City of Erbil,” was supervised by Professor Dr. Suhaib Hassan Khidr. The defense committee included a distinguished group of academics, among them Professor Dr. Mohammed Bahjat Thamer, a renowned hydrology professor at Al-Mustansiriya University, and Assistant Professor Khaled Sattam Atiya, a climate expert from the University of Mosul. The defense took place in the Department of Geography at [Read More]