4 يونيو، 2014

جرت في قسم علوم الحياة / كلية العلوم مناقشة رسالة طالبة الدكتوراه " سناء علي حسين " وحصلت على العديد من الإستنتاجات

جرت في قسم علوم الحياة / كلية العلوم مناقشة رسالة طالبة الدكتوراه " سناء علي حسين " والموسومة " Conductometric and Derivative Spectrophotometric Studies of the Complexation of Some Pharmaceutical Compounds with Serum Albumin" وحصلت على العديد من الإستنتاجات1- According to the results obtained from the conductivity measurements and the estimation of the thermodynamic parameters for the processes of interaction between (BSA) and the drugs under studies were a spontaneous processes at different pH and temperatures.2- The UV–derivative studies shows that the most reliable technique for the quantification of the pure pharmaceutical formulation under studies as well as the interaction with (BSA) was the fourth order derivative technique.3- The interaction between the drugs under studies and BSA depends on the pH of the solution.

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