5 يونيو، 2014

جرت في قسم علوم الحياة / كلية العلوم مناقشة اطروحة طالبة الدكتوراه " صفاء عبد العزيز الامين " وحصلت على العديد من الإستنتاجات

جرت في قسم علوم الحياة / كلية العلوم مناقشة اطروحة طالبة الدكتوراه " صفاء عبد العزيز الامين " والموسومة " Biochemical Study of Autism Spectrum Disorder Patients " وحصلت على العديد من الإستنتاجات It was concluded from the present study that:

  • Autism spectrum disorder seems to occur in males more than females (~ 5 male to 1 female ratio in Mosul city).
  • Oxidative stress with environmental toxicants exposure might be considered as a risk factor in ASD. This depended upon several biochemical parameters and enzymatic activities especially in severe ASD group.
  • A significant reduction was detected in MEL, NGB, AOA, GSH concentrations in severe ASD group compared to control group. In addition, a significant increase in TBARS, AOPP, NO concentration were shown in the severe ASD group.
  • Furthermore, a significant reduction in DPP-4, AChE GST, aryl esterase activities were observed in severe ASD group.
  • Dipeptidyl peptidase-4 could be a good marker in some individuals with ASD especially in those having gastrointestinal disorders and various inflammations.
  • Two proteinous components had been isolated by gel filtration chromatography (sephadex G100). It was found that the first peak only (peak A) had a high DPP-4 activity of normal human serum. As well, the first peak of proteinous precipitate of patient urine had a high activity of DPP-4.
  • The comparativemolecular weight of serum DPP-4 was (176.6, 170.4) KD by gel filtration and SDS-PAGE techniques respectively, while DPP-4 of patient urine was232.6 KD by gel filtration chromatography.
  • A single peak of normal serum DPP-4 was obtained from RP-HPLC technique.
  • Using glycine proline-p-nitro anilide hydrochloride as a substrate, Km and Vmax of normal human serum DPP-4 were 0.5 mM and 50 μM respectively.
  • Mercury chloride and strontium chloride as toxicant metals inhibited DPP-4 activity by 30.2% and 42.9% respectively.

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