4 يونيو، 2014

جرت في قسم علوم الحياة / كلية العلوم مناقشة رسالة طالبة الماجستير " بسمة بشار حسيب " وحصلت على العديد من الإستنتاجات

جرت في قسم علوم الحياة / كلية العلوم مناقشة رسالة طالبة الماجستير " بسمة بشار حسيب " والموسومة " Screening of Atopic Allergy and its relationship with Respiratory Syncytial Virus infections in Mosul" وحصلت على العديد من الإستنتاجات1-The most widely spread case of allergy in the area of Mosul over the five year study is eczema.2-The response to local allergens is more effective and may reflect more accurate results compared to the foreign ones.3-Urban residents are generally more susceptible to allergy than country residents by over 50%.4-Patients with blood group A+ are the most susceptible to be allergic to all allergens studied in both sexes , while those with B+ group come next .5-There is no relationship between allergy and mode of delivery (vaginal or cesarean delivery) for both sexes.6-Most of the allergic patients were non government officials. Males were working in the private sector and females were housewives.7-The presence of Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) in asthma patients is rare.8-Using the new technique of immunobloting to detect cases of allergy was mostly complementing the classical skin test .

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