The British and Spanish Ambassadors and Other Local and International Figures in University of Mosul


Prof. Dr. Qusay Kamaladdin Al-Ahmedy, Rector of University of Mosul receives the British Ambassador to Baghdad, John Wilkes; the British Consul General in Erbil, James Norton; and a large number of the employees of the embassy, the Spanish Ambassador to Baghdad, Juan Hansi Iscubar; the honorary Spanish Consul in Erbil; the Spanish military attaché; Nineveh Operations Commander, staff major general, Noman Abd Najm Al-Zobaei; deputy chief of the Parliamentary Committee of Health and Environment, Dr. Faris Al-Brifkany, in addition to the military experts team, which finished installing the two Winged Bulls facsimiles on each side of the gate of the Students’ [إقرأ المزيد]