Algorithms Performance Improvement For Medical Statistics Classification
admin_omar2020-07-28T00:00:00+00:30Maths Department of College of Computer Science and Mathematics, University of Mosul conducted a viva voce for the MSc Student, Noor Mohammed Noori, supervised by Assist Prof. Dr. Omar Saber Qasim, and paneled by Prof. Dr. Ban Ahmed Hassan Mitras, a chairwoman; Assist Prof. Dr. Jamal Salahaddin Sayyid Majid, and Assist Prof. Nazar Khalaf Hussein, members.The study presented two groups of carcino-stats: a prostate group, and a colon one, to test the efficacy of the proposed hybrid algorithm, FFA_BGWO. The test was repeated 10 times using the validation-cross concept, to make sure not to fall in partiality in selecting the groups [إقرأ المزيد]