College of Dentistry Discusses PhD Dissertation on the Impact of Micro-Osteoperforations on Tooth Movement and Root Resorption
ahmedimad2024-12-30T08:24:32+00:30The College of Dentistry at the University of Mosul discussed the doctoral thesis titled "The Effect of Different Patterns of Microscopic Bone Perforations on the Rate of Tooth Movement and Associated Tooth Root Resorption in Rabbits" on Thursday, December 19, 2024. Professor Dr. Munir Salem Taha, Vice President of the University for Scientific Affairs, attended part of the discussion. The thesis presented by researcher Banan Khazaal Yasin Mahmoud in the Pediatric and Orthodontics and Preventive Dentistry branch included a practical component that tested and compared the effect of a new pattern of microscopic bone perforations with two other previously studied [إقرأ المزيد]