Department of Basic Sciences


Department of Basic Sciences


An Overview of the Department : The Basic Sciences Department was established in the academic year 1984-1985 , and it is considered as one of the most important scientific departments in the College of Dentistry where the Headship of the Department has put a strategy that aims to provide a distinguished scientific knowledge with a high quality and its sources in the field of basic sciences to enable the student to acquire the necessary scientific and applied knowledge and skills that reflect positively and effectively on community service through the channels of health and research institutions, consultations and postgraduate studies. The department also makes an active contribution to specialized research as well as teaching in the preliminary and postgraduate studies. The department also holds scientific forums among faculty members through seminars on scientific topics that are determined within a prior plan. Moreover, the department holds extensive scientific forums by hosting researchers in other departments of the university. In terms of consultations, the department contributes greatly to provide scientific consultations such as external discussions, linguistic auditing of the scientific journal in the college, and dissertations for postgraduate studies.




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