Vision, mission and goals

Promising future for the dentists and the process of scientific research and community service

Support scientific research and the establishment of human dental profession through a professional scientific staff discreet

Objectives of the College:
1 – the preparation and training of students and graduate students and dentists at a high level of experience and practical, by giving them the opportunity to study all methods of modern dentistry.
2 – graduating dentists qualified scientifically to meet the needs of hospitals and health facilities both public and private, in particular in the provinces of Nineveh province and neighboring provinces as well as the rest of the governorates of the country in general.
3 – Preparation of preventive health programs for all segments of society, through studies and research on the health of the mouth and teeth.
4 – Providing health services to community members of all classes and actress processors, sound and free from defects from screening, diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the mouth and teeth, and the work of dislocation and padding and evaluation of the teeth, as well as compensation of industrial bridges, and crews and the dental implants through the use of modern technologies and the use of hardware and tools developed in the outpatient College of Dentistry.
5 – the organization of the graduate program to train specialists in the fields of dentistry, including responding to the needs of the community and the continued development of medical services and health.
6-the organization of continuing education programs so as to ensure the permanent renewal of the knowledge of faculty members and practitioners to develop their scientific, professional and research