1 February، 2024

Participation of Dr. Saba Khairuddin Al-Taie in the first meeting of the public participation project for the draft Nineveh Vision 2030.

Dr. Saba Khair Al-Din Al-Taie (Director of the Environmental Research Center and member of the committee preparing the Nineveh Vision 2023 Conference) participated in the first meeting of the conference, which was organized by the International Center for Social Services on Wednesday, January 31, 2024, in the presence of Mr. Ahmed Younis Thanoun, Assistant Governor for Planning Affairs, and Dr. Azhar Taha Qasim, Director of the Department Planning in the Nineveh Governorate Office, Mr. Ahmed Nazim, Director of the Nineveh Planning Directorate, members of the Vision Preparation Committee, the Planning and Development Council, the Director of the Women’s Empowerment Department in the Nineveh Governorate Office, and an academic from the University of Mosul.
This is for the purpose of selecting members of the women’s group, which will represent women in preparing the draft of Nineveh Vision 2030 and coordinating to hold a mass conference to present the vision to the local government of Nineveh, heads of administrative units, service institutions, the private sector, organizations, unions, and representatives of society before its adoption, to enhance and enable the role of public partnership in Nineveh Vision. To improve the quality of life of citizens in Nineveh Governorate and improve their standard of living in various aspects of life by emphasizing the consolidation of the principles of justice, social integration, and the participation of all citizens in political and social life.
This comes along with achieving high and sustainable economic growth, enhancing investment in people and building their creative capabilities by urging increased knowledge, innovation and scientific research in all fields. The Nineveh Vision gives importance to confronting the effects of climate change through the presence of an integrated and sustainable ecosystem that enhances Resilience and ability to face natural risks.
The vision also focuses on the governance of state institutions and society through administrative reform, consolidating transparency, supporting monitoring and evaluation systems, and empowering local administrations. All of these desired goals come within the framework of ensuring Iraqi peace and security and strengthening local leadership within Nineveh Governorate.
