18 July، 2022

A meeting of the President of the Permanent Committee for Sustainable Development with the Dean Assistants for Scientific Affairs:

Dr. Saba Khair Al-Din Al-Tai (Director of the Environmental Research Center), Chairman of the Permanent Committee for Sustainable. Development, chaired an expanded meeting with dean assistants for scientific affairs in the faculties of the University of Mosul on Monday, July 4, 2022 in the hall of the College of Environmental Sciences and Technologies, where the members of the committee participated in the meeting: Dr. Alaa Nabil Hamdoun/ Director of the Remote Sensing Center and Mr. Suhaib Waadallah Al Barawi/ Director of the managerial campus affairs department. The meeting was partly attended by the Assistant President of the University for Administrative Affairs, Prof. Dr. Waheed Mahmoud Al-Ibrahimi, who made his observations about the importance of the committee’s work and the subject of sustainable development and its role in the local and international classification ranking of universities.
The meeting discussed the general goals of sustainable development approved by the United Nations and the goals adopted by the Iraqi government, which it considered as a national priority.
The goals of the University of Mosul were defined within its aspects drawn from global and national goals, on top of these goals are the quality of education, health, gender equality, climate change, and clean energy.
