12 October، 2022

The presence of scientific assistant of the university president in a meeting of the Permanent Committee for Sustainable Development.

This morning, Wednesday, October 12, 2022, the periodic meeting of the Permanent Committee for Sustainable Development was held at the University of Mosul, headed by Dr. Saba Khair Al-Din Al-Tai, Director of the Environmental Research Center, Chairman of the Committee.. The work of the committee and its role in raising the general evaluation of the university through the application of the principle of sustainable development in the field to be clearly through a set of procedures that were submitted with recommendations to the presidency of the university.
The committee discussed its future work plan and a pre-prepared work progress schedule in order to achieve the agreed upon goals, which the university faculties and centers began to provide the committee with the data required to build an integrated information base on each of the seventeen sustainable development goals.
