24 December، 2023

A seminar at the Environmental Research Center on the property of immunity (Immunity) in the human body.

Immunity is a property that God has placed in the human body to enable it to protect itself from diseases. It is the body’s response to all foreign substances and their harmful effects, which also includes all environmental effects. In order to shed light on immunity in the human body, the Environmental Research Center held a seminar on Sunday, December 24, 2023. The seminar entitled “Immunity” was delivered by Dr. Mai Abdel Hafez Abdel Qader (a lecturer at our center), in which she touched on the immune system and how it works, as well as the types of autoimmunity and acquired immunity, and some methods that work to strengthen the immune system. The seminar also touched on the effect of some sports practices. Its importance is to improve the performance of this viable system.
