6 February، 2024

Food security challenges…title of the thirteenth symposium of the Environmental Research Center.

In cooperation with the Dry and Preserved Agriculture Research Center, the Environmental Research Center held its thirteenth scientific symposium on Monday, January 5, 2024, in the Scientific and Literary Forum Hall, attended by Professor Dr. Munir Salem Taha, Assistant to the University President for Scientific Affairs. The symposium was opened with two speeches, the first by Dr. Saba Khairuddin Al-Taie (Director of the Center Environmental Research) and the second was delivered by A. Dr.. Abdul Sattar Samir Al-Rajbo (Director of the Center for Dry and Preserved Agriculture).
The symposium covered several lectures related to the topic of food security challenges, including sustainable agriculture in saline soils, community food security and sustainable development, facts on the impact of climate change on Iraq, in addition to the main topic of the symposium, which is food security and climate change. The symposium was attended by a large number of professors and members of the university. In addition to figures and directors of some government departments in Nineveh Governorate.
