Mr.Taha Al_Tayar had delivered a lecture on solid waste status & management in Mosul city at Dairy company
Mr.Taha Al_Tayar had delivered a lecture on solid waste status & management in Mosul city 19/11/2013 at Dairy companyThe lecture had been well received and well accepted. Recommend had been set for reduction and tackling [Read More]
Mr.Muhsin S. Shihab had delivered a lecture on solid waste status & management in Mosul city at suni endoments affairs management
Mr.Muhsin S. Shihab had delivered a lecture on solid waste status & management in Mosul city at 13/11/2013 at Suni endoments affairs management.The lecture had been well received and well accepted. Recommend had been set [Read More]
Mr.Taha Al_Tayar had delivered a lecture on solid waste status & management in Mosul city at Al-Khawarezmy Theater
Mr.Taha Al_Tayar had delivered a lecture on solid waste status & management in Mosul city at 6/11/2013 Al-khawarezmy theater.The lecture had been well received and well accepted. Recommend had been set for reduction and tackling [Read More]
The center director attended the symposium held by the Dam @water resources research center held on 7/10/2013
The center director attended the symposium held by the Dam @water resources research center held on 7/10/2013
The center director S.M Al-Rawi delivered workshop a keynote lecture on state of the environment in Mosul Government
The center director S.M Al-Rawi delivered workshop a keynote lecture on state of the environment in Mosul GovernmentThe workshop was held at Oberoy Hotel on 8/10/2013
Assistant professor S.M.Al-Rawi participated in a round table discussion on solid waste
Assistant professor S.M.Al-Rawi participated in a round table discussion on solid wasteThe meeting was held at Mosul municipality on 18/9/2013
Assistant professor S.M. Al-Rawi evaluated 2 papers for the international journal of applied science and Technology / London
Assistant professor S.M. Al-Rawi evaluated 2 papers for the international journal of applied science and Technology / London
Mr. Taha Al-Tayyar dilivered a lecture on Solid waste at a workshop organized by NGD on 25/9/2013
Mr. Taha Al-Tayyar dilivered a lecture on Solid waste at a workshop organized by NGD on 25/9/2013
Assistants professor S.M. Al-Rawi participated in a workshop held in Erbil for the period 1-4/9/2013
Assistants professor S.M. Al-Rawi participated in a workshop held in Erbil for the period 1-4/9/2013 The workshop discussed the national environmental strategy and action plan for Iraq 2013-2017
Lecture Riyadh M. Saleh had joint the PH.D scholarship at Australia
Lecture Riyadh M. Saleh had joint the PH.D scholarship at Australia He left Iraq on 1/9/2013
Assistant professor Taha Al-Tayyar was selected in an examination committee of Msc. student Ahmed Yasoob
Assistant professor Taha Al-Tayyar was selected in an examination committee of Msc. student Ahmed YasoobThe examination was held on 5/8/2013 at college of engineering
Mr.Taha Al-Tayyar headed on examination committee of Diplomatic study of Maha Abuudulla
Assistant professor Taha Al-Tayyar headed onon examination committee for Diplom student the thesis was on a design of "Environmental Residential house design"The examination was held at college of engineering on 3/7/2013
Dr. Fathi A. Mandeel in a symposium organized by Dam&water Resource Research center on June 13th 2013
Dr. Fathi A. Mandeel participate in symposium held on June 13th 2013 and organized byDam&water Resource Research centerThe symposium entitled "The Tigris is the artery of Mosul" During the symposium many environmental issues concering quality [Read More]
River bank filtration is the best fit solution for critical problem" A key lecture by Riyadh M. Saleh lecture Environmental Research center
Mr. Riyadh M. Saleh has delivered a key lecture entitled "River bank Filtration the best fit solution for critical problem"This technique is a good way combat problems arising at water treatment plants
The center engineers complete a study on suspended dust levels for state company for cement industries
Mr. Muhsin S. Shihab leaded a team to study suspended dust level at Badosh cement factory
The center director on 6/2/2013 attends a meeting on laboratory equipments
Assist prof. S. M. Al Rawi attended on 6/2/2013 a meeting on laboratory equipmentThe meeting headed by Dr. N. Qibi discussed the items that over accomplished from the exmeeting decision
A Research team carried on a scientific tour for collecting water & growing plants in the Tigris
A research team in the center comprising Mr. T. A. Taha & Dr. Fathi A. Mindeel had carried out a scientific tour in the Khosar river east of Mosul until meeting with the Tigris
A center staff participated in a chemical & Biological program Inventory
Miss Maysoon I. participated in training course concerning chemical & Biolygical matter inventoryThe course started on 27/5/2013 at meeting Hall of the central store bulding
The center Director participated in the meeting of stating of Research centers held in Baghdad
Assist prof. S.M. Al-Rawi participated in the special meeting concerning states of Research centersThe meeting was held at Ministry Building in Baghdad
The center staff in the symposium of medical college
Mrs. May A. A. / lecture participated in the symposium of medical college held on 19/5/2013