30 September، 2019

After its rehabilitation, Ibn Khaldun Library begins its activities to develop the technical staff

In accordance with the directives of Mr. President, University of Mosul, Prof. Dr. Kossay Al-Ahmady to hold development courses for all the staff of the University of Mosul according to the university plans, and Based on the directive of Mr. Sayf Al-Ashqar, Secretary-General of Libraries, University of Mosul, and after its rehabilitation, Ibn Khaldun Library that is affiliated to the Central Library, University of Mosul, witnesses a special activity of developing its staff technically by holding many cataloging and classification courses supervised and assisted by the employees of the Technical Procedures Division of the Central Library. The course is to enable them to catalogue and classify as many books and periodicals as possible at maximum speed to meet the needs of students and researchers in the second campus of the University of Mosul

