29 September، 2020

Al-Ghad Radio Reports on the Central Library’s Importance in a Short Film

Within the efforts of the University of Mosul headed by Prof. Dr. Kossay Al-Ahmady to report on the distinguished scientific and cultural role of the University, Al-Ghad Radio was welcomed by the Central Library to prepare a short documentary film on the importance of the Central Library, which is one of the most prominent institutions of the University of Mosul. Al-Ghad correspondent had interviewed the Secretary-General of the University Libraries Mr. Sayf Al-Ashqar to communicate to the world the importance of the Library as a source of academic information, its role in spreading culture and awareness and the extent of the destruction caused by ISIS terrorist groups who burned and destroyed millions of books, periodicals and manuscripts in various fields of knowledge, but the Library, like the phoenix, emerged from the ashes of war more determined to succeed and develop with the help of good individuals, organizations and universities. Iraqi and international efforts, together with the permanent coordination with the University Presidency and the Library’s General Secretariat have contributed to reviving this great scientific edifice, which constitutes an indispensable scientific and informational reference for the University students and researchers. At the end of the interview, Mr. Sayf appreciated the role played by the media in introducing the Library’s success story to the world.

