22 May، 2020

A Lecturer Participates in Electronic Training Workshops

Dr. Amira Ismail Al Obaidi”, a lecturer and researcher at the Department of Economic and Social Studies at Regional Studies Center – Mosul University has taken part in the virtual international conference by the Faculty of Agriculture Kirkuk University, entitled ” Coronavirus pandemic impact on local and global animal production” on Saturday, May 16, 2020. Al-Ubaidi also participated in the joint scientific symposium called “Coronavirus and its impact on international relations: a study in its political, economic and social dimensions ” held by the Department of History at the College of Education – Samarra University in cooperation with the Department of Public Policies at Regional Studies Center – Mosul University on May 16, 2020, the symposium covered the political, economic and social dimensions of the Coronavirus pandemic at the global level. Finally, participation in a workshop titled (The Mechanism for Postgraduate Studies Submission inside Iraq for the academic year 2020-2021), which was organized by the Department of Graduate Studies at Al-Hamdania University on May 11, 2020.
