3 December، 2020

Seminar on Gulf – Turkish Relations

Regional Studies Center held a seminar entitled (Issues Affecting the Gulf-Turkish Relations 2011-2020) by Dr. Afrah Nather Jasim Al-Azzawi, in the presence of the Center’s researchers, on Wednesday, December 2, 2020.The researcher “Al-Azzawi” said that it is because of that the Gulf-Turkish relations are among the topics of interest to researchers and academics, and the political and economic weight of the two parties in their regional and international environment, the research touched on the nature of the Turkish-Gulf relations in the period under study and the most important affairs that had an impact on these relations, especially after the revolutions that took place in the Arab region in 2011 and the changes; regional and international interventions that these revolutions resulted in that cast a shadow over many international relations according to the different international positions towards them.The researcher added that the period (2011-2020) witnessed the emergence of some matters of concern and influence in the relations between the Gulf states and Turkey, the most important of which was the stances of the two parties towards the Egyptian revolution (2001-2013), the Syrian revolution, the Libyan revolution, and its recent developments, as well as issues concerning the two parties, such as the Gulf crisis and the Turkish position on it, the killing of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi, the Turkish coup in July 2016, and many questions that affect the interests and security of both parties, in addition to the influence of the external factor represented by the two parties ’linkage with the American policy and its agenda in the region. It should be noted that many issues constitute constants in the policy of the two parties, including the Iranian nuclear program and the latter’s influence in the region, the position on the Palestinian issue, the situation in Iraq, besides the economic factor.
