1 June، 2022

Regional Studies Center Sets up a Seminar on Right to Litigation between Civil and Criminal Systems

Regional Studies Center, at the University of Mosul, organized a seminar by assistant lecturer “Zainab Abdul-Ilah Abdul-Karim” for her titled research (the right to litigation between the civil system and the criminal system), in the presence of the Center’s researchers, on June 1, 2022.The “researcher” said that the research aims to shed light on the issue of the right to litigation, which is one of the key rights for its role in protecting human rights and freedom, and because access to justice involves many difficulties and obstacles; since litigation is the right of the opponents and the state to achieve justice among its citizens, these procedures must be simplified and the difficulties encounter by justice must be addressed.The researcher added that the study required dividing the research plan into two sections, as follows: The first topic came under the title of the concept of the right to litigation. The second topic was entitled the distinction between the right to litigation in the civil system and the criminal system.The “researcher” concluded that she came out with recommendations calling on the Iraqi legislator to introduce the electronic litigation system (smart litigation) in line with what developed countries have been adopting. In addition to urging the Iraqi legislator to simplify litigation procedures and avoid excessive complexity so that all citizens can obtain their rights.
