21 September، 2022

Regional Studies Center Holds a Scientific Workshop on Role of National Legislation and International Conventions to Reduce Polluting Emissions to Environment

Under the patronage of Prof. Dr. Qusay Kamal Al-Din Al-Ahmadi, President of the University of Mosul, and the supervision of Assist. Prof. Dr. Nawfal Qasim Ali, Regional Studies Center’s director, the Center held a scientific workshop titled (the role of national legislation and international agreements to reduce emissions polluting the environment) on September 21, 2022.The workshop was attended by the director and academics of the center. During which Assist. Prof. Dr. Ziad Abdul-wahab Al-Nuaimi, Faculty of Law, delivered a lecture on national legislation and international conventions and their role in promoting the right to a healthy environment.The scientific workshop aims to shed light on the environment and its elements and to indicate that pollution affects human rights to a healthy environment, that is within the third generation, which is known as solidarity rights, as they have the right to use and exploit them in a way that achieves its human benefits as it is a property of all.The workshop included the following topics: the environment – the right to a healthy environment – environmental pollution – pollution levels – the relationship between the environment and sustainable development – the legal framework to protect the right to the environment.In conclusion, the workshop came out with several recommendations, the most important of which are:1-Enhancing the concept of the right to a healthy environment by taking preventive and curative measures through international conventions and national legislation.2-Focusing on the preservation of the marine environment, especially the riparian countries, and the optimal use of water under integrated water management, because waste and pollution both affect humans.
