9 January، 2024

Director of Regional Studies Center Participates in the Field Day Event on Conservation Agriculture   

Under the patronage of the President of the University of Mosul, Prof. Dr. Qusay Al-Ahmadi, and in the presence of the Scientific Assistant, Prof. Dr. Munir Taha Al-Badrani, and several officials, within the framework of academic communication with the research centers of the University of Mosul and scientific interaction with the Nineveh Agriculture Directorate and the United Nations World Food Programme, the Director of the Regional Studies Center, Assist. Prof. Dr. Nawfal Qasim Ali Al-Shahwan, in response to an invitation from the Center for Dry and Conservation Agriculture, attended the agricultural workshop on Field Day for the Conservation Agriculture Program, which was held in Telkaif District, within one of the experimental agricultural stations, on January 8, 2023.

The agricultural lectures delivered by Professor Dr. Abdul Sattar Al-Rajbo, Director of the Center for Dry and Conservation Agriculture, and Mrs. Alice from the United Nations, aimed to provide an overview of the pioneering experience by one of the pioneer farmers about the creative efforts made by the Center for Conservation Agriculture and the scientific contributions within the endeavors of the University of Mosul to develop the agricultural sector and cooperation through practical and experimental field application of modern technology in agriculture operations.

The agricultural workshop included watching the experimental work of the new seeding disc which directly implements the process of planting and fertilizing seeds in dry lands, without prior plowing, and comparing it with the old traditional agriculture that relies on a large number of plows, that came within the modern techniques of conservation agriculture, and the applications have begun to bear fruit, adding to the technology to the agricultural sector throughout Iraq in the next stage. It also contributes to reducing efforts, costs, mechanisms, and time periods between a quarter and a half, with high productivity, in light of combating desertification, water scarcity, and environmental transformations in Iraq.

The agricultural workshop was attended and contributed to by a large number of pioneer farmers who applied the new technology. There were over (500) farmers who practiced training on the new technology at the Dry and Conservation Agriculture Center at the University of Mosul.
