25 January، 2024

A New Book by Dr. Luqman Al-Nuaimi Entitled Turkey and Asia: Connecting Bridges and Enhancing Regional Cooperation

A new book was recently published by Prof. Dr. Luqman Omar Mahmoud Al-Nuaimi, former director of the Regional Studies Center, entitled “Turkey and Asia: Connecting Bridges and Enhancing Regional Cooperation,” issued by Noon Printing and Publishing House/Mosul/Iraq, first edition 2023. It is of medium size which consists of (178) pages and has the International Standard Number (ISBN).

The book starts with a geographical-historical fact, which is that Turkey shares deep-rooted historical and cultural ties with its neighboring countries and Southeast Asia, most notably Iraq, Iran, Pakistan, India, and China. Turkey has a strong will to develop its relations and cooperation with these important countries and believes that strengthening its relations and cooperation with these countries contributes to significantly consolidating peace and stability and sustaining regional cooperation.

The book, which is a corpus of research and studies, aims to examine the development of Turkey’s relations with the above countries in the political, economic, and military fields, as Turkey tried, in a way that serves its strategic interests, during the period of the Justice and Development Party’s rule from 2002-2023, to connect bridges with them and develop its economic and political relations with them, and enhance regional cooperation with them regarding the affairs of Asia and the world as a whole, leading to building strategic partnerships to achieve their common strategic interests in the region.

The book includes six main chapters as follows: the first deals with the political and diplomatic dimension of Iraqi-Turkish relations, while the second chapter discusses the political and diplomatic dimension of Qatari-Turkish relations. The third reviews the topic of Turkey and the Iranian nuclear program, and the fourth chapter involves Turkish-Pakistani relations. The fifth covers the topic of Turkish-Indian relations, and the sixth and final chapter is titled Turkish-Chinese relations. The book ends with the most important conclusions.
