17 March، 2024

Regional Studies Center Holds an Educational Lecture Entitled Environmental Awareness and Sustainable Development Goals

Regional Studies Center held an awareness lecture entitled “Environmental Awareness and Sustainable Development Goals,” delivered by the Center’s Director, Dr. Nawfal Qasim Al-Shahwan, on March 17, 2024.

The lecture aimed to raise the level of awareness among community members of the importance of preserving the environment and to consolidate a sense of individual and collective responsibility by spreading behaviors aimed at supporting environmental sustainability among all individuals in society.

The lecture touched on the definition of the concept of environmental awareness, its components and dimensions, and the role of environmental awareness in improving environmental behavior and its impact on the individual and society through good management of natural resources in a way that does not harm the environment to achieve sustainable development goals related to climate change and reduce the severity of their negative effects on humans, thus sustaining development and a good life for all.
