9 June، 2024

Regional Studies Center Holds a Lecture on the Manifestations and Risks of Corruption and Ways to Combat It

Regional Studies Center held an awareness lecture on “Manifestations of corruption, its risks and ways to combat it”, presented by Assist. Prof. Dr. Faris Turki Mahmoud, on 9 June 2024.

The lecture aimed to shed light on corruption as a dangerous phenomenon and scourge that poses an existential threat to nations and societies, and to try to deconstruct and study it in a way that helps to find the best ways to contain it, minimize its danger and confine it to the narrowest scope.

The lecture addressed the emergence and growth of the phenomenon of corruption and the reasons behind it and leading to its spread, then the most important manifestations and types of that corruption, such as administrative, financial, political, intellectual, and others.

The lecture also reviewed the most prominent ways and means of addressing corruption, whether preventive means that help to abort the phenomenon before it starts through a series of measures, or ways and means to address the phenomenon after it spreads in an attempt to besiege it and then eliminate it.
