25 June، 2013

Open digital library at the College of Administration and Economics

Has been the help of God and the faithful in our college to the Library of paper to a digital library at the College of Management and Economics / University of Mosul has arisen Digital Library Koled to the growing need for researchers and researchers in an era of rapid and inevitable result of the development of technical accelerated with the ongoing modernization and the league for Research and magazines and and messages as the Digital Libraryproviding services to researchers and researchers and by the following formula:

. Providing scientific sources in an electronic format.

. Search letters, , books, magazines and periodicals Arab and foreign countries.

. Providing many messages and to a group of Iraqi provinces and world capitals.

. Submit to participate in research inside and outside Iraq.

. Dissemination of Contents full messages and the group since the founding of the college and so far.

