9 April، 2014

Formation of a committee system conversion in the annual Department of Economics to the system Courses

A committee was formed of selves listed below:1 – A – D – Tigers Amin Haji / president2 – A – D – Taha Younis Hammadi / member3 – A – Imad Hassan Najafi / member4 – A – M – Dr. Mahmoud Saad Kawaz / member5 – a – m – d – Hashim Mohammed Abdullah Aercop / member6 – a – m – d – Marwan Abdul Malik Thanon / member7 – a – m – d – Khaled Hammadi Hamadoun / member8 – m – d – Nada Sohail Satam member and rapporteurThe conversion of the system 's annual section to achieve a system of courses with intermingling between the theoretical and practical aspects , and by 50 % as well as opening up to the reality of the Iraqi economy and future trends and the scientific methods

